(#162) Sex As A Spiritual Practice

Season #1

FOR THE FULL EPISODE VISIT jessicasol.com/interwoven I invite you to become a member of our global community Interwoven for weekly full length audios and monthly life zoom call coaching and access to a community of incredibly humans all striving to elevate their lives to the next level.


I believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to be inside of a relationship where sex can be a wholeheartedly fulfilling, safe, exciting and spiritually rewarding. My mind is blown when I hear so many women and men are still so far away from this kind of Devine Union as a couple and in this weeks audio we dive deep.

I talk about the world of sex, intimacy and spirituality in the first audio of what I’m sure will become a series of conversations that I know EVERYONE needs to hear.

I start right from the beginning in this episode and get very real and vulnerable with you about my sexual history and conditioning.

As a young woman growing up sec was something I used to have a very warped perception of and although a lot of fun was had as I’ve matured into my womanhood and traversed through a number of relationships, particularly my marriage of 11 years and now inside of my current relationship sexuality as a whole has become so rewarding and so much deeper that I would have ever expected.

This conversation is a very open one that I know will benefit anyone on relationships. Particularly if you are a woman who feels disconnected from your sexuality, if you feel like your sex is performative rather than intimate and rewarding for you, this episode is a must listen all the way to the end.

Enjoy and stay tuned for more conversations like this in the future.